Getting your home or workplace painted is a very important aspect of decoration. Other than protecting your walls, these paint colours are also an expression of your personality. Moreover, the effects of the surroundings can be used to enhance the overall look of your work place or dwelling place. So make sure your home painting is well-planned in order to get the mood that you desire.
Here are a few ideas to plan and have your wall painting job done in a more organised way:
- Identify the rooms you wish to paint.
- Decide the shades/ scheme you want to use in each room. To arrive at the right colour combinations check out our online Colour Palette
- Measure your rooms to find out the area you need to paint. You can use our Paint Calculator to determine the area of all surfaces that you are planning to paint.
- Check our product range to see which of our brand best meets your house painting needs. Our specially designed Paint Selector is just the right help for you to arrive at APCO’s brands for all your wall painting needs.
- Use Paint Calculator to arrive at the approximate budget that you would need to keep aside for the project.
- You can then locate our Colour World Dealer closest to your home using the Dealer Locator.
- Remove door knobs, handles and other decorative accessories from doors and windows, in order to prevent damage due to paint spillage. Remove light fixtures or mask them with masking tape, paper and/or cloth.
- Remove the dust on the walls thoroughly using a dry mop. Walls of bathroom and kitchen can be washed with water and allowed to dry.
- It is preferable to buy all the paint you need at one time and in the largest possible pack (size) for convenience and to reduce the chances of slight colour variations between batches. It also makes the whole office or home painting process more economical.
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Water Seepage facts and fiction
Wall painting is not a water proofing solution. The only permanent solution to water leakage and dampness is to rectify the source of the problem. Typical causes of water seepage are:
- Cracks in the external walls
- Leaking drainage pipes or water supply pipes
- High ground water level that is getting absorbed in the walls from the foundation
- Application of Enamels (Oil Paints) will not solve the problem of water seepage
- The water seeping through the wall will erupt on the surface at some place or the other
- We advise you to get a civil contractor or Waterproofing expert to rectify the problem before you start with the painting.
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Morbi sit amet mauris at dolor interdum volutpat et et eros. Proin rhoncus nulla eu massa faucibus, eget pretium eros ornare. Ut eleifend ornare nulla, sed hendrerit dolor aliquet aliquet.
Surfaces tested high level of moisture content
Surfaces tested high level of moisture content
Surfaces tested high level of moisture content
Etiam gravida magna sem. Nam tristique porta fermentum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
Morbi sit amet mauris at dolor interdum volutpat et et eros. Proin rhoncus nulla eu massa faucibus, eget pretium eros ornare. Ut eleifend ornare nulla, sed hendrerit dolor aliquet aliquet.